Monday, February 13, 2012

A Test of Patience

Blog ni jadi blog masakan lak ya...terpengaruh dengan makcik saya yang suka memasak dan buat posting kat blog dia dan upload gambar2. Dia memang rajin...I don't think I can ever catch up with the number of entries she uploaded on her blog. Dengan internet capacity 3gig jer menggunakan maxis broadband ni, lagi la payah saya nak upload photos of what I've cooked, what more to share the recipes.  I usually COOK and not WRITE recipes, but it feels good to share with others. Not to be cocky on the tastiness of the dishes I cooked, but to feel the satisfaction of having others try out my recipes which I think turned out nice when I tried them myself.

After right now I may probably share something else than the recipes for reading pleasure and just to impart my opinions on certain things. Wholesome sket blog ni...kalau tak asyik cite pasal masak jer... boring gak tau. Penat masak masak masak tiap hari...tapi itu la yang saya tengok mak saya buat berpuluh2 tahun, and I have had the honor to be her aide in the kitchen.  Since I've moved to live by myself and my little brother (again, who's not so little anymore... he's 27 this year), I've been taking over my mom's chores in a smaller scale here at our Elysium.  Oh, that reminds me, I will write an entry on "My Elysium" soon, so you'd understand what is "My Elysium" when I keep referring to the term.

Today isn't totally a great day for me, but I'm held on till almost its end.  Early in the morning I headed to my parents' to see my sweet heart, Luqman (my first nephew) but I was rather in vain when he kept crying most of the day.  I think it maybe the consequence of him not seeing us for some time till today.  I love my nephews but honestly I couldn't stand it when I hear babies cry on and on and on.'s like the school recess and end-of recess bell reverberating on my eardrums.  I feel disappointed when I couldn't make him stop crying and couldn't understand what he wanted.  Owh...but before that, I was already stressed up with the fact that my netbook charger is already finding faults with me when it got spoilt.  I am disappointed because I am always a careful person in taking care of my personal belongings. When things like this happens, I get a bit stressed up.  When my nephew cried to the top of his voice, I get stressed. I went home feeling upset.

Now that I'm home, I did a little self-talk to myself.  Tomorrow I will try to handle Luqman better than today. I will keep trying to win my munchkin's heart no matter what it takes, although I almost lost my patience with him today.  Ni lah dia orang yang takde anak2 saudara... bila dapat, 2 orang sekali dalam setahun and now.. as they're growing...amikkk... layan la pe'el (perangai) mereka berdua. I'm determined to try again. Now I could smile... as for the netbook charger, I have no choice but to buy a new one. KOPAK bulan ni...dah la hari tu gi color rambut. But what the heck, duit boleh dicari... insya'Allah ada rezeki lain.

Tomorrow morning I gotta be at my parents rather early. I'm sending daddy to KLIA and I'm going to bring along Luqman. Let's just see how it goes tomorrow, I pray that he will not be as cranky as today. Please help me, God. Make me a more patient Mama Long, please?

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