Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Strawberry Bread Pudding

Okay, today I'm putting some effort to write out my recipe for the strawberry bread pudding.  Thank you for bearing with my delay. I'm in no mood for a lengthy story, so here we go... the recipe for this dessert. Oh, by the way, I made a little adjustment to my usual recipe for bread pudding...because I have a large box of whipping cream, I used some of it to make this and alhamdulillah, the bread pudding turned out nice. You can substitute the strawberry with other fruits as you like such as pear, peach, raisins, or even fruit cocktail. Do try my recipe out!

Strawberry Bread Pudding

Soft texture, you'll love it!

The sauce isn't too sweet, but still...watch your calorie intake!

The custard

2 cups       whipping cream
1 1/2 cups  low fat milk
2                eggs
1 tbsp        vanilla
2 tbsp        sugar

The bread
2/3 stick    French baguette (roti Perancis)
3  pieces   Croissants

3 tbsp       melted butter
1 cup        fresh strawberries slices ( I used dried because I'm out of stock of fresh ones)

How to make your bread pudding
1.     Cube the bread and croissant, arrange in your baking dish, mixing them with slices of fresh strawberries. Try to spread the strawberries evenly.

2.     To make the custard, just mix all ingredients in a jug and pour it into the baking dish in which you arranged the bread and strawberries.

3.     Pour melted butter over the pudding.  Let the bread absorb the custard for about 20 minutes.

4.     Put your baking dish in a baking tin and pour hot water halfway and cover with aluminium foil, then bake in your oven preheated at 180 C, for half an hour. Uncover the baking dish and bake for another half an hour.

Steam bath baking method used for the recipe.

The Vanilla Sauce
2  tbsp      butter
1  tbsp      flour
350 ml      milk
3  tbsp      brown sugar (or white if you prefer)
1  tbsp      vanilla essence

Making the sauce:
Melt the butter, add in flour, stirring consistently; then add sugar and finally milk. Keep stirring and the sauce will thicken. If you don't stir consistently your sauce will become lumpy. Last but not least, add in the vanilla. Let cool and it's ready to pour on the bread pudding.

This is quite and easy recipe to make, so please try it out. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add more sugar to your preference.


  1. Aaaaaaa .... Menariknya bila diletak strawberri .... xD

  2. fresh strawberries lagi sedap, i didn't have stock so i used dried strawberries. Just about any sweet and tangy fruit would be nice in the bread pudding. :-)
